
The 6 Pillars of Sales Persuasion

Sales Outperformers know that people don’t hear what you say – they hear how you say it and how you make them feel. Their communication is simple, clear, passionate, value-rich and service-driven. No slimy sales tactics. This is not theory – it is the science of sales influence and persuasion. […]

Habits of Top Producers

So you want to be the top salesperson in your organization. Or perhaps you have a high revenue goal for your organization that you want to achieve. Well you can be certain that you won’t accomplish those objectives, or anything else of value, unless you develop the habits of top […]

Kit Welchlin: Listening – What If I Have Questions?

I think asking questions shows that you have interest and genuine concern.  The key the asking questions is to ask the right questions. The best questions to ask are “what” and “how” questions, because there are no wrong answers to “what’” or “how” questions.  You give the other person tremendous […]

Be Someone People Love to Buy From

We’ve learned that to be successful in sales we need to be informed, understand the features and benefits of what we are selling, know what problem we solve and who we solve it for. Much of the training and practice emphasizes the activities we need to do to generate sales meetings. […]

The Billionaire’s Secret

Steve Jobs was an observer of the “Universe”. But not the great Universe we think of when look to the sky. He said, “Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, […]

Win More Deals at the Prices You Want

“If we don’t drop our price, we will lose the deal.” That’s the desperate cry from salespeople as they try to win deals in competitive marketplaces. While the easy answer is to lower prices, the company sacrifices margin— often unnecessarily. To win deals at the prices you want, the strategy […]

The Asking Formula

How many times during the day – whether during a sales call, conducting a presentation, leading a meeting, running a project – is it vital for you to ask for something that you want in order to achieve your goals? Yet many of us sabotage ourselves through bad communications habits that act as roadblocks to achieving […]

Speak Like a Pro and Watch Your Sales Grow

This talk is designed for sales professionals and entrepreneurs to gain that elusive extra edge.  You will learn to cut through all the noise and stand out by speaking with impact.  Speaking and communication is the most effective way to market and grow your sales.  This talk provides the secrets […]

Differentiate or Watch Your Margins Die

What would a 90% closing rate mean to you? While selling a “commodity”? Without  lowering your price or your margins? That’s the topic of this selling session, based on lessons from 28 years, 2,100 companies, and nearly 50,000 salespeople. Discover how to bypass commoditization by ethically “rewriting” the prospect’s buying […]