sales success

Shift Your Sales Perspective

PSA is pleased to continue delivering our events both live and online. On June 7th you can choose to join us in person as Jimmy Z gives his presentation or join us via webcast from 7:45 – 9:15 a.m.  See below for details and registration: Note our new location:  Minnesota […]

Jason Jones: Overcoming Buyer Resistance

Traditional selling techniques of pitching, explaining and convincing produce buyer resistance.  Unless the buyer believes everything the rep is sharing and is essentially already sold on the solution there will be resistance.  This happens when the buyer listens and then decides whether they agree with the person or not.  When […]

ACCELERATE 2022 – Half-Day Selling Workshop

Start the new year with a great half-day selling workshop hosted by the Professional Sales Association. The keynote speakers are Daniel Moskowitz and Elliott Bayev, Authors of the international bestseller, Sales Jiu-Jitsu : This in-person event will feature a great breakfast, networking and presentations by international speakers and authors. Presenters: […]

Grand Slam Clients

We all want great clients: people that love the work you do, pay you well and rave about you to others.  Often when it comes to good prospects, we only “know it when we see it” much like art.  What if you could take a more scientific approach? What if you could instantly identify […]

Danita Bye: 5 Success Mindsets to Create Breakthrough Results in 2021

Sales will always be filled with uncertainties. Even our most researched, and economically sound forecasts can be turned upside down overnight. We must always be prepared to create breakthroughs, and expand our capacities, no matter what. That’s why the 5 Success Mindsets, contained in this one question, are so simple […]

Bill Wooditch: The Art of Qualifying Opportunity to Achieve Results

The amateur tends to embellish or construe what they assume conveniently to be a positive or yes in the buying process. In reality, a prospect’s verbiage may include, in its most promising form, a maybe. We can’t cash checks from maybe. We don’t earn the opportunity or seal the commitment […]

Are You Prepared to Earn the Gold Medal in Sales? by Erik Therwanger

by Erik Therwanger, Author and Creator of the Think GREAT® Collection 2020 is approaching fast and every organization is taking a closer look at their sales goals for the New Year! I ask a simple question what I speak to sales professionals and sales leaders. “If sales were an Olympic […]

The 6 Pillars of Sales Persuasion

Sales Outperformers know that people don’t hear what you say – they hear how you say it and how you make them feel. Their communication is simple, clear, passionate, value-rich and service-driven. No slimy sales tactics. This is not theory – it is the science of sales influence and persuasion. […]

The Billionaire’s Secret

Steve Jobs was an observer of the “Universe”. But not the great Universe we think of when look to the sky. He said, “Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, […]