Join us January 10th as PSA kicks off the new year with a half-day program designed to accelerate and drive your competitive advantage in 2020.
KEYNOTE – Thomas Winninger author of seven books and member of the NSA Speakers Hall of Fame
“Your True DNA”
Are you a sales professional that is frustrated, stalled, lacking full potential, roadblocks, confused? What should you be doing? What is your call? What is your gift? What are you passionate about—in your work and your life? During the time we spend with Thom identify your full, unrealized potential for achieving a life of meaning. Discover significance, fulfillment, and satisfaction in everything you do.
Paul Omodt, founder and principal of Omodt & Associates Critical Communications
“Say Less, Sell More” ‘Learning the Power of Non-Verbals To Grow Influence and Sales’
Even seasoned sales professionals may not be fully tapping into the incredible power of non-verbals in shaping their sales process. The non-verbal elements of interpersonal communications form more than three-fourths of human recall and start the basis of how feelings turn into positive action. Want to sell more effectively? Get in touch with — and master — the second language we all speak.
Gail Propson, Director of New Business Development for SERVICE 800
“Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan”
You can’t eat an Elephant whole, but you can get it done with daily goals. Gail Propson will share how she met her 40% sales quota increase by breaking down her goal into daily activities. She will share her Sales Activity Tracking Sheet and how to measure your high payoff activities to formulate a daily goal.
When: Friday, January 10, 2020
8:00 am – Breakfast and Networking
8:45 am – Program Starts
Noon – Networking
DoubleTree Park Place Hotel (394/100)
1500 Park Place Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55416
$69 per PSA Gold Member
Silver Members and Guests are welcome at $99 per person
Registration Deadline: NOON Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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