Kit Welchlin: Listening – What If I Have Questions?

I think asking questions shows that you have interest and genuine concern.  The key the asking questions is to ask the right questions.

The best questions to ask are “what” and “how” questions, because there are no wrong answers to “what’” or “how” questions.  You give the other person tremendous flexibility in how they can respond.  It takes the pressure off.

If you ask a “who” question; there is only one right answer.

If you ask a “when” question; there is only one right answer.

If you ask a “where” question; there is only one right answer.

If you ask a “why” question; which implies a judgment or evaluation, now you will be wrestling on the floor, because now people feel like they have to justify their comments and actions.

However, if you ask “what” questions; you will get explanations and definitions.

And If you ask “how” questions; you will get examples and descriptions.

With good “what” and “how” questions, you will probably get the who’s, the what’s the when’s, the where’s, and the why’s, without putting pressure on the conversation.  Besides, the more people talk, the better they feel.

Asking questions is a great way to engage others in three key communication areas.  Inclusion:  people feel involved.  Affection:  people feel you care.  Control:  people feel they have some impact or influence.

I like doing business with people that listen, and so will your prospects and clients.

Kit Welchlin, M.A., CSP, is a professional speaker and author and can be found at

About bhellkamp

Bill Hellkamp has dedicated the past 30 years to helping professionals maximize their capabilities. A noted facilitator, executive coach and speaker, Bill is able to captivate audiences with his entertaining and insightful perspective on individual and team development. Through interactive activities and thoughtful questioning he is able to increase the participant’s awareness of where they need to grow. He then gives them practical tools to accomplish that evolution. He has published hundreds of motivating articles and videos that can be accessed on his website at Each year he speaks to thousands of business, government and community leaders throughout the Unites States as well as Canada, England, France, Germany and Spain. Clients include Medtronic, Toro, 3M, Abbott Diagnostics, Capital Safety, XRS, MicroEdge, The City of Minneapolis, RSM US, and Digital River. His organization, REACH Development Systems, specializes in presentation skills, sales development and leadership training. One of the most exciting concepts he has been working on is to combine group training with personal coaching to provide more permanent improvement for each participant.

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